In the summer of 1990, an epidemiological survey was conducted in the
course of El Tor cholera epidemic. It studied the impact of the asympt
omatic carrier on the propagation of the disease in the household. It
compared the number of secondary cases appeared in two groups of house
holds where one case of cholera and one asymptomatic carrier at least
were confirmed. In one group the asymptomatic carriers were treated wi
th an anti-infectious drug (cyclines or furazolidone) and in the secon
d one the carriers received a placebo. The choice of treatment was don
e at random. The results revealed that the average period of carriage
was of 6.4 +/- 3.1 days. This study showed also that there was no sign
ificant difference in the occurence of secondary cases in both groups.
This study reinforce the idea that the asymptomatic carrier had not a
major role in the propagation of cholera in the course of El Tor chol
era epidemic.