The determination of the hearing threshold from cortical electric resp
onses is usually based on the visual inspection of the recordings by a
n experienced evaluator. At least two factors are responsible for the
limited reliability of such a procedure: first, visual inspection yiel
ds the response threshold and not the hearing threshold; and second, t
he result of a visual evaluation depends on subjective appraisal, whic
h may be influenced by irrational factors. An approach of computer-aid
ed evaluation is presented which simulates the visual inspection in th
at several typical features of the curves are judged numerically. The
result of the classification is a single parameter, Q, whose value inc
reases with better (subjective) perceptibility of the evoked potential
s. A statistical analysis explores the relationship between the value
of Q and the psychophysical hearing threshold. The results show that a
prediction of hearing threshold with an accuracy of +/- 10 dB is poss