The paper outlines the DLR's mechatronic developments in the robotics
area over the last five years, They aim at designing a new multisensor
y, modularly configurable lightweight robot generation in a unified an
d integral way, A first step in this direction has been the developmen
t of a complex multisensory gripper, It turned out to be a key element
in ROTEX, the first real robot in space that flew with shuttle Columb
ia in early 1993. Sensors and actuators in DLR's new ultra-lightweight
robot show up miniaturized integration of mechanics, electronics, and
microprocessor control, Joint torque control based on inductive sensi
ng is realized in the compact, highly reducing rotational gearings, Wi
th optimized carbon-fiber grid structures, optical high-speed informat
ion transfer between the joints and all power and signal electronics i
ntegrated into the arm, a new extremely lightweight type of robot aris
es, Joint control concepts are outlined and a 7 degree-of-freedom vers
ion of such a lightweight arm is described, The paper also outlines th
e concept of the artificial muscle and its use in the fingers of a new
modular articulated robot hand, Sensor-based man-machine interfaces a
nd automatic camera guidance by robots in minimal invasive surgery are
other topics covered in the paper.