Purpose. In presurgical evaluation of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), in
vasive methods are necessary if results of various noninvasive methods
are not sufficiently convergent enough to identify the epileptogenic
area accurately. To detect the epileptiform discharges originating spe
cifically from the mesial temporal lobe, we applied the cavernous sinu
s catheterization technique. Methods: We placed Seeker Lite-10 guide w
ire electrodes into bilateral cavernous sinus through the internal jug
ular veins to record EEG (cavernous sinus EEG) in 6 patients with intr
actable TLE. Scalp EEG was simultaneously recorded in all 6 and electr
ocorticogram (ECoG) was also recorded in 4. Results: The cavernous sin
us EEG demonstrated clear epileptiform discharges, sometimes even when
they were absent on the simultaneously recorded scalp EEG. The epilep
tiform discharges recorded from the cavernous sinus electrodes were sp
ecifically associated with those in the mesial temporal region on ECoG
. Ictal EEG pattern originating from mesial temporal lobe was also cle
arly documented on the cavernous sinus EEG. Conclusions: This new, sem
i-invasive method of identifying epileptogenic areas can detect the ep
ileptiform discharges specifically arising from the mesial temporal lo
be; it is as useful as or complements the invasive techniques such as
foramen ovale or depth recording.