Purpose: Although several treatments have been tried for Landau-Kleffn
er syndrome (LKS) too many patients are refractory to known therapies.
We report an 8-year-old girl who failed other therapies but who had a
consistent response after treatment with intravenous (i.v.) gamma-glo
bulin. Methods: We monitored the girl from the age of 6 years, when sh
e presented with a 6-month history of loss of language with normal hea
ring, normal brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), increased cerebro
spinal fluid (CSF) IgG index, and an EEG showing almost continuous, pr
e dominantly left-sided spike- and slow-wave complexes. She had no cli
nical seizures and did not respond to consecutive trials of valproate
(VPA), clonazepam (CZP), prednisone, and carbamazepine (CBZ). She rece
ived three courses of intravenous (i.v.) gamma-globulin; after each co
urse, clinical and electrographic improvement lasted a few months. Aft
er each of the initial two courses, clinical improvement lasted 3-4 mo
nths but was followed by recurrence of the spikes on the EEG and by sp
eech deterioration. Results: However, her last remission has been cont
inuous for the past 16 months. Her CSF IgG index became normal after t
he first i.v, gamma-globulin infusion. Conclusions: Based on our exper
ience with this patient and on other investigators' experience, we bel
ieve that further research into immunologic mechanisms and therapies o
f this syndrome are warranted.