A numerical study is performed on the flowfield in a three-dimensional
side-dump combustor with dual opposite side-inlets. Emphasis is given
to effects of the side-inlet angle on the flow structures. It is foun
d that the side-inlet angle has a great influence on the recirculation
structures which play a decisive role on the combustion characteristi
cs. The larger side-inlet angles are found to strengthen the structure
s of dome recirculation and cause more fluid to recirculate toward the
dome region after it is dumped into the combustor. However, the small
er side-inlet angles are beneficial to the continuous development of t
he recirculation structures from the dome region, across the entrance
region, and further to the downstream of the side-inlet. The effects o
f the side-inlet angle on recirculations in the dome region or downstr
eam of the side-inlet are both contrary to the situation in two-dimens
ional cases, which clarifies several points of conflict existing from
previous investigations of this aspect. Several important factors rela
ted closely to the combustion performance, including the detailed thre
e-dimensional vortex structures, the swirl intensity, and the total pr
essure loss of the flowfield are also studied to supplement present kn
owledge with valuable information about the flow characteristics as an
aid for the combustor design from the viewpoint of fluid dynamics.