Cancer incidence in Estonians who took refuge in Sweden in 1944-1945 h
as been compared with that in the total Swedish population and that am
ong Estonians in Estonia in 1974-1985 using data from the Swedish and
the Estonian countrywide population-based cancer registries. The vast
majority of the Estonian immigrants studied had been living in Sweden
for 30 years when the follow-up with respect to cancer incidence start
ed in this investigation. In spite of the long residence in Sweden, di
fferences in cancer incidence could be observed between these immigran
ts and the total Swedish population. The age-standardized incidence of
stomach cancer was higher in the Estonian migrants than in the total
Swedish population (SIR = 1.6 and 2.1 for males and females, respectiv
ely). Breast cancer incidence was lower in the migrant women (SIR = 0.
75) and lung cancer incidence higher in migrant men (SIR = 1.5). An in
creased incidence of colorectal cancer was also found for both sexes i
n the migrant population (SIR = 1.4 for both males and females). A com
parison between Estonians in Estonia and the total Swedish population
revealed that the cancer incidence for the Estonians was lower than ex
pected at age 70 and over. Male lung cancer and stomach cancer showed
a higher incidence in the Estonian population than in the Swedish and
in the migrant populations. The migrant population showed an intermedi
ate incidence relative to Estonians in Estonia and the entire Swedish
population. The colon-cancer risk in Estonian migrants to Sweden was h
igher than the risk for Estonians in Estonia and for the Swedish popul
ation. This contrasts with most findings in the present and other stud
ies on intermediate risks of migrants compared to the risks in the cou
ntry of origin and in the new country of residence. (C) 1993 Wiley-Lis
s, Inc.