Most air pollutants do not lead to specific diseases. Depending on the
pollutant, the concentration and the duration of exposure, some organ
s are more affected than others. The most frequent disorders are those
caused by irritant gases and particulates on the mucous membranes and
respiratory organs. The consequences are eye, nose and throat inflamm
ations, diminished lung function, increased susceptability to respirat
ory infection and a higher incidence of chronic bronchitis. These diso
rders and diseases are, of course, influenced by other factors as well
, such as immune deficiency, allergies, occupational exposure to pollu
tants, and particularly smoking. The effects of air pollutants are, th
erefore, multifactorially conditioned and nonspecific disorders are pl
aced in the foreground. Evidence for an association of air pollution w
ith adverse effects on human health is drawn from three sources: anima
l experiments, experimental human exposures, and epidemiologic studies
of exposed human populations. The burden of atmospheric pollution mus
t be reduced to protect human health by an adequate safety margin. In
particular, the increased sensitivity of sick and aged people as well
as children should be taken into account. In defining the maximum emmi
ssion levels, preventive aspects should have priority so as to keep th
e risk of damage to health and the harmful influences on the environme
nt to a minimum.