The possibilities for using the pulsed time-of-flight (TOF) laser rada
r technique for hot refractory lining measurements are examined, and f
ormulas are presented for calculating the background radiation collect
ed, the achievable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and the measurement re
solution. An experimental laser radar device is presented based on the
use of a laser diode as a transmitter. Results obtained under real in
dustrial conditions show that a SNR of 10 can be achieved at measureme
nt distances of up to 15-20 m if the temperature of the converter is 1
400-degrees-C and the peak power of the laser diode used is 10 W. The
single-shot resolution is about 60 mm (sigma value), but it can be imp
roved to millimeter range by averaging techniques over a measurement t
ime of 0.5 s. A commercial laser radar profiler based on the experimen
tal laser radar device is also presented, and results obtained with it
in real measurement situations are shown. These measurements indicate
that it is possible to use the pulsed TOF laser radar technique in de
manding measurement applications of this kind to obtain reliable data
on the lining wear rate of a hot converter in a steel works.