The inverse ac Josephson effect involves rf-induced (Shapiro) steps th
at cross over the zero-current axis; the phenomenon is of interest in
voltage standard applications. The standard analysis of the step heigh
t in current, which yields the well-known Bessel-function dependence o
n an effective ac drive amplitude, is valid only when the drive freque
ncy is large compared with the junction plasma frequency or the drive
amplitude is large compared with the zero-voltage Josephson current. U
sing a first order Krylov-Bogoliubov power-balance approach we derive
an expression for the threshold value of the drive amplitude for zero-
crossing steps that is not limited to the large frequency or large amp
litude region. Comparison with numerical solutions of the RSJ differen
tial equation shows excellent agreement for both fundamental and subha
rmonic steps. The power-balance value for the threshold converges to t
he Bessel-function value in the high-frequency limit.