1. The preceding report presented evidence that the kindling-like indu
ction of electrographic seizures (EGSs) in the hippocampal slice is ac
companied by a lasting increase in the excitability of CA3 axon termin
als, which is manifested by an increase in action-potential initiation
at this site. In this report we explore the role of the N-methyl-D-as
partate (NMDA) receptor in the induction and maintenance of this antid
romic firing, as well as the role of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type
A (GABA(A)) receptor in regulating this activity once it has been indu
ced. 2. Kindling-like stimulus trains (60 Hz, 2s) were delivered to s.
radiatum of CA3 at 10-min intervals. As EGSs developed in control art
ificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF), the frequency of axon terminal fir
ing increased markedly (by 10.33 +/- 3.29 spikes/min, mean +/- SE P mu
ch less than 0.01). The prior application of the competitive NMDA anta
gonist D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (D-APV, 50 or 100 muM) preven
ted the induction of EGSs and suppressed the increase in terminal firi
ng seen in control ACSF (mean increase 1.06 +/- 1.11 spikes/min, P < 0
.02). However, when D-APV was applied only after EGSs and antidromic s
pikes were induced in control ACSF, it failed to alter the frequency o
f terminal firing (mean 6.44 +/- 2.03 in control ACSF, 8.89 +/- 2.31 i
n APV; P much greater than 0.1). Thus the NMDA receptor is required fo
r the induction but not maintenance of increased axon terminal firing,
as we previously have shown to be the case for EGSs. 3. Measurements
of antidromic stimulus threshold at several points along the course of
the Schaffer collateral axons of CA3 cells showed that EGS induction
is accompanied by a significant decrease in threshold at synaptic term
inal regions but not at nonterminal regions. This decrease in threshol
d in the terminal region did not occur in separate experiments during
which D-APV (50 mum) was preapplied to block the induction of EGSs. Co
nsidering the similar effects of D-APV on the induction and maintenanc
e of antidromic firing, we conclude that during EGS induction the NMDA
receptor mediates a selective increase in the excitability of CA3 axo
n terminals, leading to antidromic firing. Once induced, this axon ter
minal hyperexcitability is maintained by mechanisms independent of the
NMDA receptor. These results also further strengthen the link between
axon terminal hyperexcitability and EGS expression. 4. Spontaneous an
tidromic action potentials were frequently observed in association wit
h spontaneous or evoked GABA(A) receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynap
tic potentials (IPSPs). Therefore, in our search for an NMDA receptor-
independent mechanism that maintains axon terminal backfiring, we appl
ied the GABA(A) antagonists bicuculline methochloride (BIC, 1 or 10 mu
M) and picrotoxin (PTX, 1 muM). These agents completely suppressed ant
idromic firing in all of seven cells tested. (+/-)-Baclofen (0.5-1 muM
), which suppresses the release of GABA via activation of presynaptic
GABA(B) receptors on interneurons, also suppressed antidromic firing,
although less dramatically (mean frequency in ACSF: 16.9 +/- 8.81; in
baclofen: 5.16 +/- 4.81; P = 0.1). These results demonstrate that the
axon terminal backfiring induced by EGS induction is subsequently regu
lated by GABA(A) receptors, raising the possibility that GABAergic pre
synaptic inhibition is present in the hippocampus and may be upregulat
ed in some forms of neural plasticity. 5. We discuss the pharmacologic
al regulation of the processes leading to axon terminal backfiring as
well as those maintaining this activity once induced. We give special
attention to the location of the NMDA receptors responsible for this c
hange, to the possible role of presynaptic inhibition in these process
es, and to the relationship of terminal backfiring to epileptogenesis
and other forms of neural plasticity.