In this study, various image registration methods are investigated for
their suitability for registration of L-6-[18F]-fluoro-DOPA (FDOPA) P
ET images. Five different optimization criteria including sum of absol
ute difference (SAD), mean square difference (MSD), crosscorrelation c
oefficient (CC), standard deviation of pixel ratio (SDPR), and stochas
tic sign change (SSC) were implemented and Powell's algorithm was used
to optimize the criteria. The optimization criteria were calculated e
ither unidirectionally (i.e. only evaluating the criteria for comparin
g the resliced image 1 with the original image 2) or bidirectionally (
i.e. averaging the criteria for comparing the resliced image 1 with th
e original image 2 and those for the sliced image 2 with the original
image 1). Monkey FDOPA images taken at various known orientations were
used to evaluate the accuracy of different methods. A set of human FD
OPA dynamic images was used to investigate the ability of the methods
for correcting subject movement. It was found that a large improvement
in performance resulted when bidirectional rather than unidirectional
criteria were used. Overall, the SAD, MSD and SDPR methods were found
to be comparable in performance and were suitable for registering FDO
PA images. The MSD method gave more adequate results for frame-to-fram
e image registration for correcting subject movement during a dynamic
FDOPA study. The utility of the registration method is further demonst
rated by registering FDOPA images in monkeys before and after amphetam
ine injection to reveal more clearly the changes in spatial distributi
on of FDOPA due to the drug intervention.