Specific monoclonal antibodies raised in previous studies were used in
a quantitative ELISA to determine the biomass of three species of aqu
atic hyphomycetes: Tetracladium marchalianum de Wild, Anguillospora lo
ngissima Ingold, and Alatospora acuminata Ingold. The use of these met
hods for the study of mixed assemblages was assessed in the laboratory
. The presence of nontarget fungi did not interfere with specific reco
gnition by antibodies in the ELISA assay. The immunoassays indicated t
hat lower biomass was attained by individual species colonizing field-
incubated leaf material compared to laboratory-inoculated material. Al
atospora acuminata attained the highest relative biomass on field-incu
bated leaf material, and T. marchalianum the lowest. These results con
trast sharply with those obtained using more conventional methods base
d on conidial abundance. Conidia of T. marchaliamum were recorded more
frequently than conidia of A. acuminata, and are, therefore, assumed
to have had a higher relative abundance. The implications of these app
arently conflicting results are discussed.