In situ hybridization (ISH) techniques on interphase cells, or interph
ase cytogenetics, have powerful potential clinical and biological appl
ications, such as detection of minimal residual disease, early relapse
, and the study of clonal evolution and expansion in neoplasia. Much a
ttention has been paid to issues related to ISH data acquisition, i.e.
, the numbers, colors, intensities, and spatial relationships of hybri
dization signals. The methodology concerning data analysis, which is o
f prime importance for clinical applications, however, is less well in
vestigated. We have studied the latter for the detection of small mono
somic and trisomic cell populations using various mixtures of human fe
male and male cells. With a chromosome X specific probe, the male cell
s simulated monosomic subpopulations of 0, 1, 5, 10, 50, 90, 95, 99, a
nd 100%. Analogously, when a (7 + Y) specific probe combination was us
ed, containing a mixture of chromosome No. 7 and Y-specific DNA, the m
ale cells simulated trisomic cell populations. Probes specific for chr
omosomes Nos. 1, 7,8, and 9 were used for estimation of ISH artifacts.
Three statistical tests, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the multiple-pr
oportion test, and the z'-max test, were applied to the empirical data
using the control data as a reference for ISH artifacts. The Kolmogor
ov-Smirnov test was found to be inferior for discrimination of small m
onosomic or trisomic cell populations. The other two tests showed that
when 400 cells were evaluated, and using selected control probes, mon
osomy X could be detected at a frequency of 5% aberrant cells, and tri
somy 7 + Y at a frequency of 1%. A simple-proportion test was develope
d for illustration of the quantitative constraints of interphase cytog
enetics. For detection of 1% aberrant cells and given an ISH artifact
rate of 10%, 10,173 cells must be evaluated. These results indicate th
at automated ISH evaluation is imperative for clinical and biological
applications. (C) 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.