Eight tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) genotypes were evaluated
based on shoot dry weight for resistance to four isolates of Verticill
ium dahliae Kleb. race 2 in two greenhouse seedling experiments. The r
ace 2 isolates, obtained from North Carolina, Brazil, and Spain, demon
strated no differences in pathogenicity on the eight lines tested, thu
s precluding the identification of a third V. dahliae race in this col
lection. However, highly significant differences in virulence were obs
erved among the isolates. The Brazilian isolate was the most virulent.
No tomato genotype showed resistance comparable to that conferred by
the single dominant Ve gene to V. dahliae race 1. While all tomato lin
es were susceptible to all race 2 isolates tested, there were signific
ant differences in susceptibility equal to differences in levels of re
sistance. IRAT L3, Morden Lac, Okitsu Sozai, and 'UC82' significantly
outperformed the lowest ranking line XXIV-a.Earlypak 7', Morden Mel, a
nd Philippino 2 performance was statistically indistinguishable from t
hat of either the highest- or lowest-ranked lines. Genetic diversity i
n the host and pathogen and environmental conditions favoring the path
ogen likely contributed to the genotype x isolate interactions observe
d in Expt. 1. These results suggest using diverse isolates when screen
ing for improved race 2 resistance.