The adherence and invasive capacities as well as the pathobiological a
ctivities exhibited by Yersinia ruckeri were examined. Although adhesi
ve ability was dependent on the cell-line employed, all the strains sh
owed moderate adhesion and invasiveness in the salmon cell-line CHSE-2
14. With regard to the extracellular products (ECP) all of them were s
trongly toxic for fish with LD50 ranging from 2 to 9.12 mug protein pe
r g fish. In addition, all the ECP samples showed caseinase, gelatinas
e, amylase, lipase and phospholipase activities, hydrolysed esculin an
d displayed hemolytic activities for trout, salmon, sheep and human er
ythrocytes. Heat treatment (100-degrees-C for 10 min) caused the loss
of all these biological activities except the hydrolysis of gelatin. O
n the other hand, SDS-PAGE analysis of the LPS and protein components
of the ECP revealed variations among strains depending on the serotype
. The lack of lethal effects of the LPS present in the ECP was also de