The paper presents some new concepts of hydrogen production in Iceland
for domestic use and export. A brief overview of the Icelandic energy
consumption and available resources is given. The cost of producing h
ydrogen by electrolysis is calculated for various alternatives such as
plant size, load factors and electricity cost. Comparison is made bet
ween the total cost of liquid hydrogen delivered to Europe from Icelan
d and from Northern America, showing that liquid hydrogen delivered to
Europe from Iceland would be 9% less expensive. This assumes conventi
onal technology. New technologies are suggested in the paper and diffe
rent scenarios for geothermally assisted hydrogen production and lique
faction are discussed. It is estimated that the use of geothermal stea
m would lead to 19% lower hydrogen gas production costs. By analysing
the Icelandic fishing fleet, a very large consumer of imported fuel, i
t is argued that a transition of fuel technology from oil to hydrogen
may be a feasible future option for Iceland and a testing ground for c
hanging fuel technology.