The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of having allergic rea
ctions (ie, being in allergy seasons without taking medications) on: (
1) speed of cognitive processing, (2) psychomotor speed, (3) ability t
o sustain attention, (4) verbal learning and memory, and (5) mood Subj
ects (ten atopic, eight control) were given a neuropsychologic test an
d mood rating battery in an A-B-A design ie, in, out of, and in allerg
y seasons. Only atopic subjects exhibited declines in verbal learning,
slower decision-making and psychomotor speed on both simple and choic
e reaction time tests, and lower positive affect during their allergy
seasons in comparison to out of allergy seasons. A topic subjects did
not demonstrate declines in ability to sustain attention. Biochemical
mechanisms may cause these changes.