The prothoracicotropic hormone and the cerebral peptidergic neurons th
at produce it have traditionally been thought to have the singular fun
ction of acting as a primary effector of insect postembryonic developm
ent. Recent investigations of this neuroendocrine axis in the tobacco
hornworm, Manduca sexta, are leading to a new view that these peptider
gic neurons and their peptide phenotypes may be multifunctional. They
may act in different ways depending upon the animal's developmental st
age and site of phenotype release. The possibility for this functional
diversity of the prothoracicotropic hormone is possibly even greater
due to multiple neuronal sites of peptide expression within the centra
l nervous system. Similarly, the L-NSC III may have more functions due
to the expression of multiple peptide phenotypes. The data, thus far,
have not enabled us to identify additional physiological roles for th
e peptide, but they have provided insight into the experimental approa
ches that might be effective in resolving these functions.