Under more general assumptions than those usually made in the sequenti
al analysis literature, a variable-sample-size-sequential probability
ratio test (VPRT) of two simple hypotheses is found that maximizes the
expected net gain over all sequential decision procedures. In contras
t, Wald and Wolfowitz [25] developed the sequential probability ratio
test (SPRT) to minimize expected sample size, but their assumptions on
the parameters of the decision problem were restrictive. In this arti
cle we show that the expected net-gain-maximizing VPRT also minimizes
the expected (with respect to both data and prior) total sampling cost
and that, under slightly more general conditions than those imposed b
y Wald and Wolfowitz, it reduces to the one-observation-at-a-time sequ
ential probability ratio test (SPRT). The ways in which the size and p
ower of the VPRT depend upon the parameters of the decision problem ar
e also examined.