This investigation reports an association study with alleles of the do
paminergic system genes (tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), D2 and D4 receptor
s) in schizophrenic patients and non-schizophrenic subjects. The genot
ypes were typed using a polymerase chain reactions PCR-based CA repeat
polymorphisms. There were no significant associations between the stu
died alleles and schizophrenia. Also, a linkage analysis was performed
using the same genes (TH, D2 and D4) in two multiple affected schizop
hrenic families. There was no linkage among any of three genes and sch
izophrenia. The maximum lod score (Z = 0.43, theta = 0.10 penetrance 1
00%) was for the tyrosine hydroxylase gene. Linkage analysis significa
ntly excluded the D2 receptor gene (Z = 5.6, theta = 0.01), assuming a
n autosomal dominant pattern and complete penetrance, However, when th
e lod scores were calculated with other penetrance values, they lost s