Dab Limanda limanda L. from commercial shrimpers in the North Frisian
Wadden Sed were examined for externally visible injuries during April
to October 1991. Injuries are described macroscopically. The influence
of catch conditions on the rate of injuries was subjected to statisti
cal analysis. The number of fissures of the fins was positively correl
ated with fish length and catch volume, whereas the number of hemorrha
ges of the fins decreased significantly with increasing catch volume.
Sorting on a traditional shaking sieve increased the rate of fissures
and hemorrhages considerably. Wound healing experiments elucidated the
process and duration of regeneration of typical fishery-induced injur
ies. Experimentally induced skin injuries had closed up some hours aft
er being made. They healed without scars; thus formerly suffered injur
ies cannot be quantified.