Quantitative genetic analyses for body size and for life history chara
cters within and among populations of Daphnia obtusa reveal substantia
l genetic variance at both hierarchical levels for all traits measured
. Simultaneous allozymic analysis on the same population samples indic
ate a moderate degree of differentiation: G(ST) = 0.28. No association
s between electrophoretic genotype and phenotypic characters were foun
d, providing support for the null hypothesis that the allozymic varian
ts are effectively neutral. Therefore, G(ST) can be used as the null h
ypothesis that neutral phenotypic evolution within populations led to
the observed differentiation for the quantitative traits, which I call
Q(ST). The results of this study provide evidence that natural select
ion has promoted diversification for body size among populations, and
has impeded diversification for relative fitness. Analyses of populati
on differentiation for clutch size, age at reproduction, and growth ra
te indicate that neutral phenotypic evolution cannot be excluded as th
e cause.