Most commercial text retrieval systems employ inverted files to improv
e retrieval speed. This paper concerns with the implementations of doc
ument ranking based on inverted files. Three heuristic methods for imp
lementing the tf x idf weighting strategy, where tf stands for term fr
equency and idf stands for inverse document frequency, are studied. Th
e basic idea of the heuristic methods is to process the query terms in
an order so that as many top documents as possible can be identified
without processing all of the query terms. The first heuristic was pro
posed by Smeaton and van Rijsbergen and it serves as the basis for com
parison with the other two heuristic methods proposed in this paper. T
hese three heuristics are evaluated and compared by experimental runs
based on the number of disk accesses required for partial document ran
king, in which the returned documents contain some, but not necessaril
y all, of the requested number of top documents. The results show that
the proposed heuristic methods perform better than the method propose
d by Smeaton and van Rijsbergen in terms of retrieval accuracy, which
is used to indicate the percentage of top documents obtained after a n
umber of disk accesses. For total document ranking, in which all of th
e requested number of top documents are guaranteed to be returned, no
optimization techniques studied so far can lead to substantial perform
ance gain. To realize the advantage of the proposed heuristics, two me
thods for estimating the retrieval accuracy are studied. Their accurac
ies and processing costs are compared. All the experimental runs are b
ased on four test collections made available with the SMART system.