Increasing interest in an unpolluted environment leads to the demand f
or the reduction of pollutant gases emitted by combustion processes. T
his requires novel sensor systems which are capable of in situ and rea
l time measurement of the exhaust gas concentrations and thus provide
the input signals for an emission-regulated process control. The senso
rs are manufactured in microsystems technology, using thick-film and t
hin-film techniques. The operating principles of such sensors are sepa
rated in bulk and surface effects. Based on SrTiO3 thin films, oxygen
sensors with response times of about 5 ms at operating temperatures of
1000-degrees-C have been implemented (bulk effect). Using these senso
rs, a cylinder selective lambda measurement in the exhaust gas of an O
tto engine is possible, which is fundamental for a novel motor managem
ent concept to reduce the emissions. The use of Ga2O3 thin films yield
s catalytically not active oxygen sensors at high temperatures (bulk e
ffect) and on the other hand sensors for reducing gases (surface effec
t) at lower temperatures.