This paper presents an approach for kinematic compensation of the lase
r shaping process which is capable of achieving improved dimensional a
ccuracy for non-circular profiles. In this approach, a plug-in repetit
ive controller is added into the existing position servo loop to impro
ve tracking of the desired sinusoidal trajectory and subsequently redu
ce tracking errors. The effect of tracking errors on different dimensi
onal error modes in the non-circular shaping process is identified. Si
mulation models are developed for testing the performance of the repet
itive controller in shaping various non-circular profiles with differe
nt operating parameters such as oscillating amplitudes and sampling ti
me. Simulation results show that better tracking performance can be ob
tained with the addition of the repetitive controller. Experimental re
sults include fabrication of single-harmonic-term profiles such as tri
angular, square, hexagonal and octagonal profiles and multiple-harmoni
c-term profiles such as diamond-shaped profiles in polymethyl methacry
late with both control algorithms. The non-circular profiles are measu
red through optical CMM to determine the dimensional accuracy in edge
straightness, angularity, parallelism and feature size.