The male sterility system MS-1 of Brassica oleracea was studied in ord
er to elucidate if nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions determine this syst
em. Crosses of male sterile MS-1 genotypes with heterozygous MS-5 geno
types gave fully fertile F1 progenies. Selfing of seven F1 plants resu
lted in five F2 populations showing a 9:7 segregation ratio and two a
3:1 ratio for fertile and male sterile plants. Two F2 progenies deviat
ed from the expected 9:7 or 3:1 segregation ratios for fertile and mal
e sterile plants. Thermosensitivity and distortion of the meiosis are
suggested as the causal factors underlying the deviation of the segreg
ation ratios. It was concluded that nuclear factors determine the male
sterility in the MS-1 system, because the presence of a nucleocytopla
smic interaction in this system should have given only a 3:1 segregati
on ratio for fertile and male sterile plants in the F2 generation.