When Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) genomic DNA is digested with the re
striction endonuclease BglI and the fragments separated by agarose-gel
electrophoresis, bands corresponding to approximately 430 and 923 bp
are visualized after EtdBr staining. The 923-bp band was excised from
a preparative gel and used to screen a salmon genomic library for reco
mbinant phage (re-phage) containing the repeat. The BglI repeat elemen
t is tandemly arrayed, and an array from one re-phage has been sequenc
ed. The BglI repeats comprise 2.3% of the S. salar genome and have bee
n found in the vicinity of rDNA genes (encoding ribosomal RNA). Southe
rn blot hybridization detects a homologue of the Atlantic salmon BglI
repeat in the brown trout (Salmo trutta) genome, but not in other salm
onids. However, a DNA fragment with sequence homology to part of the B
flI repeat has recently been isolated from Arctic charr (Salvelinus al
pinus; S.E. Hartley and W.S.D., unpublished data). In addition, the Bg
lI repeat detects RFLPs in Atlantic salmon.