A sudden-freeze model for the extraction of effective rotational relax
ation cross sections from nozzle beam expansions is refined by introdu
cing a temperature-dependent cross section sigma(rot)(T). Since (i) si
gma(rot) is-proportional-to exp (-DELTAE(J)), (ii) the rotational ener
gy level spacing DELTAE(J) is-proportional-to J and (iii) J is-propor
tional-to T1/2 it is assumed that sigma(rot)(T) is-proportional-to exp
[-alpha(T/THETA(r))1/2]. Here, J stands for the most probable value o
f J and THETA(r) = B/k, where B is the rotational constant. The value
of alpha was determined from a semi-logarithmic plot of directly measu
red values of sigma(rot)(J) versus (T/THETA(r))1/2. The resulting sudd
en-freeze-model expression for sigma(rot)(T(rot)) was used to deduce v
alues of sigma(rot) for Li/Li2 and Na/Na2 from measurements in nozzle-
beam expansions. A combined plot of the directly measured values of si
gma(rot)(J) and the deduced values of sigma(rot)(T(rot)) exhibits a co
mmon semi-logarithmic dependence on J. Rotational relaxation cross se
ctions deduced from quasi-classical trajectory calculations for Na/Li2
(J = 5, J = 20) collisions at E(coll) = 100 meV agree quantitatively w
ith the predicted values.