The integral transport equation is solved in periodic slab lattices in
the case where a critical buckling search is performed. First, the an
gular flux is factorized into two parts: a periodic microscopic flux a
nd a macroscopic form with no angular dependence. The macroscopic form
only depends on a buckling vector with a given orientation. The criti
cal buckling norm along with the corresponding microscopic flux are ob
tained using anisotropic collision probability calculations that are r
epeated until criticality is achieved. This procedure allows the perio
dic boundary conditions of slab lattices to be taken into account usin
g closed-form contributions obtained from the cyclic-tracking techniqu
e, without resorting to infinite series of exponential-integral evalua
tions. Numerical results are presented for one-group heterogeneous pro
blems with isotropic and anisotropic scattering kernels, some of which
include void slit regions.