A number of open questions are settled about the expected costs of two
disjoint set Union and Find algorithms raised by Knuth and Schonhage
[Theoret. Comput. Sci., 6 (1978), pp. 281-3151. This paper shows that
the expected time of the Weighted Quick-Find (QFW) algorithm to perfor
m (n - 1) randomly chosen unions is cn + o (n / log n), where c = 2.08
47 .... Through an observation of Tarjan and Van Leeuwen in V. Assoc.
Comput. Mach., 22 (1975), pp. 215-2251 this implies linear time bounds
to perform 0(n) unions and finds for a class of other union-find algo
rithms. It is also proved that the expected time of the Unweighted Qui
ck-Find (QF) algorithm is n2/8 + O(n(log n)2). The expected costs of Q
FW and QF are analyzed when fewer than (n - 1) unions are performed. A
mong other results, for QFW it is shown that the expected cost of m =
o(n) randomly chosen unions is m(1 + o(1)). If m = alphan/2, where alp
ha less-than-or-equal-to e-2, this cost is m(1 + epsilon(alpha) + o(1)
), where epsilon(alpha) --> 0 as a --> 0 and epsilon(e-2) less-than-or
-equal-to .026. For QF, the expected cost of n/2 - n2/3(log n)2/3 rand
omly chosen unions is 0(n log n).