The hybrid semiconductor-macrocycle catalyst, TiO2-Co-tetrasulfophthal
ocyanine, (TiO2-CoTSP) effectively enhances the solar-promoted reducti
ve dehalogenation of bromoform (CHBr3) under anaerobic conditions. Rea
ction rates are 4-10 times faster than those obtained using silanized
TiO2, unmodified TiO2, or direct (uncatalyzed) solar photolysis under
the same conditions. CHBr3 is reduced to its lower homologues, dibromo
methane (CH2-Br2), and bromomethane (CH3Br). HBr is also produced. No
other major dehalogenation products are observed, although methane is
found in trace amounts after prolonged photolysis. 2-Propanol, the sac
rificial electron donor, is oxidized stoichiometrically to acetone. Th
e catalyst is stable in sunlight for at least 30 h without loss of act
ivity. The reaction mechanism is postulated to involve nucleophilic at
tack of Co(I)TSP, generated by the semiconductor, on CHBr3. The organo
metallic complex that is formed, TiO2-CoTSP-CHBr2, is postulated to su
bsequently undergo photolysis via homolytic Co-C bond cleavage to rege
nerate the catalyst. 2-Propanol is oxidized by valence band holes.