Most existing agricultural lands have been in production for sufficien
tly long periods that C inputs and outputs are nearly balanced and the
y are neither a major source nor sink of atmospheric C. As population
increases, food requirements and the need for more crop land increase
accordingly. An annual conversion of previously uncultivated lands up
to 1.5 x 10(7) hectares may be expected. It is this new agricultural l
and which suffers the greatest losses of C during and subsequent to it
s conversion. The primary focus for analysis of future C fluxes in agr
oecosystems needs to be on current changes in land use and management
as well as on direct effects of CO2 and climate change. A valid assess
ment of C pools and fluxes in agroecosystems requires a global soils d
ata base and comprehensive information on land use and management prac
tices. A comprehensive effort to assemble and analyze this information
is urgently needed.