This paper provides a preliminary examination of individual self-provi
sion of housing in Scotland; that is, instances where individuals are
directly involved in the production of their own house, rather than bu
ying a house on the market. After a brief overview of the history of i
ndividual self-provision in Britain, the characteristics of the sector
in Britain, and particularly in Scotland, are outlined. The core of t
he paper reports the results of a pilot survey of self-provision in Sc
otland. Four issues are examined: the type of self-provision; land ava
ilability; relationships with commercial interests; and local housing
systems and access. It is concluded that self-provision is an importan
t but mostly unrecognised source of new housing provision, whose incid
ence depends crucially on the nature of local housing systems and the
extent to which planning policies are favourable in terms of land rele
ase and development control.