We find in the sample of gamma-ray bursts, observed by the BATSE exper
iment on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, a conspicuous set of burst
s, GB 910430, GB 910501, GB 910502, GB 910722, and GB 910725, which ar
e clustered in both space and time, separated in position by less than
their positional uncertainty and separated in time by less than a few
days. From a statistical analysis of the clustering, we find that the
se five burst positions are consistent with a single, common source at
the 85% confidence level, while we estimate that the probability of s
uch a cluster of five bursts being random is less than 2 x 10(-3). Thu
s, we suggest that these bursts arise from a repeating source at a loc
ation of approximately 0855-00. Unlike most of the ''soft'' gamma-ray
repeaters, these repeating bursts have relatively hard spectra, and wi
dely varying durations and light curves, that are indistinguishable fr
om the common, '' classical '' gamma-ray bursts.