This autobiographical chapter summarizes the author's work with a defi
ned mineral medium for fastidious sulfide-oxidizing phototrophic purpl
e and green sulfur bacteria that were known already from Winogradsky's
and Lauterborn's descriptions. The pure cultures, isolated from natur
al mud deposits, revealed interesting new cytological and biochemical
features. In the wake of these studies, new anaerobic bacteria with un
usual metabolic capacities were isolated and characterized. Ecological
ly most significant is the dehydrogenation of acetate to carbon dioxid
e. Electron acceptors are sulfur for the sulfur reducers and sulfate f
or the new sulfate reducers obtained by Widdel. Thauer and Fuchs showe
d that a modified TCA-cycle and the new acetyl-CoA:carbon monoxide deh
ydrogenase pathway operates in the oxidation of acetate. Many aliphati
c and aromatic compounds were shown to be completely degradable by mar
ine sulfate reducers. The biogeochemical transformations of the anoxic
sulfur cycle are now understood in terms of the capacities of the pho
totrophic and chemotrophic bacterial species involved in the cycle.