A flow-through optosensor for tetracyclines based on the tetracycline-
europium chelate room temperature phosphorescence energy transfer is p
roposed. The sensor is developed in conjunction with a flow-injection
analysis system and is based on the transient immobilization on a non-
ionic resin (packed in a flow-through cell) of the tetracycline-europi
um chelate. The analytical performance characteristics of the proposed
sensor for semiautomated analysis and control of very low levels of t
etracycline were as follows: the detection limits for tetracycline, ox
ytetracycline and chlortetracycline were 0.25, 0.30 and 0.40 ng ml-1,
respectively, with a relative standard deviation of 1% for determinati
on of 0.24 mug ml-1 of each antibiotic (n = 10). Most of the common me
tal ions in biological samples did not interfere, except Fe(III) which
caused serious interference and should be masked with 1,10-phenanthro
line. The recommended method has been successfully tested for determin
ation of tetracyclines in clinical samples (urine and pharmaceutical p