To respond to the industrial interest of aeroengine manufacturers in c
arrying out instrumentation techniques for blade vibration measurement
s, ONERA is developing thin-film resistance strain gauges suitable for
dynamic stress measurements up to 900-degrees-C. The strain gauge, de
posited by r.f. sputtering onto nickel-based superalloys, is described
. It consists of a NiCoCrAlY coating, insulating layer (Al2O3), sensin
g layer (NiCr, PdCr), intermediate splicing layer (Pt) and a protectiv
e film (Al2O3 or SiO2). The masking of the layers, the splicing of the
thin films to wires and the deposition technique on complex three-dim
ensional structures are presented. The first electrical and mechanical
properties of the sensing layers are described, as well as preliminar
y results concerning the thermal stability of the gauges.