The growth and nitrogen fixation of Azolla filiculoides Lam. cultured
in water of a polluted pond and two types of secondary effluent were i
nvestigated. The gradual decreases in the growth and acetylene reducti
on activity (ARA) of the plants in pond water were due mainly to a pho
sphorus deficiency. In secondary effluent, ammonium was an important f
actor limiting growth and ARA. The ARA was inhibited by ammonium in th
e medium even at 0.1 mM, whereas the growth rate in up to 1 mM ammoniu
m was comparable with that of plants grown without ammonium. Nitrite a
nd volatile organic acids in culture media were very toxic to Azolla p
lants. In secondary effluent containing nitrite, the plants shed their
roots, followed by the fragmentation of fronds, and eventually died.