A methodology is presented to estimate the visitation frequency of sea
outfall plumes; it consists basically of, plume centreline simulation
and contaminant concentration field simulation. Plume centreline simu
lation is performed by numerically tracking marked particles released
continuously from an outfall diffuser, provided that current fields ar
e known either from current meter data or numerical modelling. The con
taminant concentration field at any time is estimated from a determini
stic diffusion model which applies to plume segments along the centrel
ine at that time. The centreline and concentration field simulations a
re continued over time (known as simulation time); visitation frequenc
y at any point is obtained by accumulating the time interval during wh
ich the concentration at this point exceeds a specified value and from
the ratio of the accumulated time to the simulation time. The method
presented was applied to a case study of the proposed Heishijiao Bay O
utfall, Dalian, China. In this case study, total coliform was taken as
a pollution indicator in the estimation of visitation frequency. A co
mparison was also made of our method with Churchill's plume simulation
method; good agreement between two methods was achieved.