Contractional features on Mars were identified on the basis of photoge
ologic evidence of crustal shortening and comparison with terrestrial
and planetary analogs. Three classes of structures, wrinkle ridges, lo
bate scarps and high-relief ridges, were mapped and their spatial and
temporal distribution assessed. Wrinkle ridges account for over 80% of
the total cumulative length of the mapped contractional features and
occur in smooth plains material interpreted to be volcanic in origin.
Lobate scarps, not wrinkle ridges, are the dominant contractional feat
ure in Martian highland material. The pattern of contractional feature
s in the western hemisphere reflects the hemispheric-scale influence o
f the Tharsis rise. Although no comparable hemispheric-scale pattern i
s observed in die eastern hemisphere, prominent regional-scale pattern
s exist, the most notable of which occurs in Hesperia Planum. Contract
ional features that locally parallel the trend of the crustal dichotom
y boundary in the eastern hemisphere suggest the influence of stresses
related to the evolution of die dichotomy. Compressional deformation
apparently peaked during the Early Hesperia, if the tectonic features
are roughly the same age as the units in which they occur. This peak i
n compressional deformation corresponds with Early Hesperian volcanic
resurfacing of a large portion of the planet. Thermal history models f
or Mars, based on an initially hot planet, are inconsistent with estim
ates of die timing of peak compressional tectonism and the rate of vol
canism. A pulse of global volcanism during the Early Hesperian may hav
e resulted in a punctuated episode of rapid cooling and global contrac
tion that contributed to compressional tectonism. Although global cont
raction may have contributed a significant component of die total stre
ss that resulted in compressional deformation on Mars, nonhydrostatic
horizontal stresses derived from local and regional-scale sources are
necessary to account for the uniform orientations of die tectonic feat