Several embryological and cytological techniques were developed to det
ermine the degree of aposporous parthenogenesis vs. sexuality in diffe
rent genotypes of the facultative apomictic grass Poa pratensis L. Fix
ed embryo sacs were mechanically isolated and individually examined wi
th phase-contrast and interference-contrast light microscopes. The deg
ree of apospory was calculated as the ratio of embryo sacs with an emb
ryo but without endosperm and the total number of embryo sacs studied
per plant. The degree of apospory varied between 9 and 76% in nine pla
nts. Photocytometry and flow cytometry were used to determine ploidy l
evels in embryo and endosperm of individual embryo sacs in order to de
termine their origin, asposporous vs. sexual. Results based on the cal
culated degree of apospory agreed with the degree of apomixis deduced
from homogeneity scores in field progeny tests. Callose deposition on
the megaspore mother cell during megasporogenesis was studied in the s
ame set of genotypes and the percentage of abnormal, micropylar callos
e deposition closely agreed with results both of the embryo sac analys
is and the progeny tests. Combined use of these techniques yields quan
titative data on the aposporous tendency of individual genotypes of Po
a pratensis.