A computational procedure (program) is defined to generate control sig
nals for the motoneuron pools of agonist and antagonist muscles that w
ill move a limb segment from one stationary position to another. The p
rogram accounts for the ability to move different distances with diffe
rent inertial loads and for the influence of instructions concerning m
ovement speed and accuracy. These motor commands allow the program to
produce EMG patterns as well as force and kinematic trajectories that
are consistent with much of the data found in the literature of these
movements. The program is premised on the notion that kinematically de
fined tasks are accomplished by programming commands to the motoneuron
pools, based on only a few cognitively recognized kinematic and dynam
ic features of the task. Most of the features found in EMG and kinemat
ic patterns can be considered consequences of the program's algorithmi
c procedures rather than specifically planned features of those moveme