Patterns of rhoomega interference in the pi+pi- mass spectrum. of the
reaction e+e- --> pi+pi-pi0 at energies 0.95 less-than-or-equal-to squ
are-root s less-than-or-equal-to 1.4 GeV are considered, with allowanc
e for modification in the relative phase of the amplitudes for the tra
nsitions omega --> rhopi and rho --> omegapi due to the imaginary part
of the triangle diagram. The decay kinematics of the triangle diagram
gives rise to a change in the pi+pi- mass spectrum. Inclusion of this
diagram at energies between the omega and psi peaks results in a meas
urable decrease in the cross section by an amount reaching 10%. The ex
perimental study of effects due to the imaginary part of the triangle
diagram at e+e- colliders with luminosity L = 10(31) cm-2 s-1 and high
er could be of interest as a means for testing the self-consistency of
calculations beyond the tree approximation and for obtaining addition
al information about the mechanisms responsible for the violation of t
he OZI rule and for breaking of G parity.