J. Hasan et al., VALIDATION OF COMPUTER ANALYZED POLYGRAPHIC PATTERNS DURING DROWSINESS AND SLEEP ONSET, Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, 87(3), 1993, pp. 117-127
A computer system for the automatic analysis of polygraphic records wa
s validated. Records from 9 subjects made during routine MSLT tests we
re analysed both by two preliminary and one consensus scorer and by a
computer system. Special attention was paid to the analysis of drowsin
ess periods. Therefore a classification system including 7 stages, thr
ee for wakefulness and movement, one for drowsiness and three for the
sleep stages Sl, S2 and SREM was used. Adaptive segmentation was used
to divide the records into short segments of variable length (mean 1.6
sec, range 0.5-13.7 sec). The agreements between the computer and vis
ual scores were relatively good for 5 subjects having a prominent occi
pital alpha activity during wakefulness (range 70-79%) but less promis
ing (range 64-70%) for the other 4 subjects with ''poor'' occipital al
pha activity. The values obtained corresponded to the inter-scorer agr
eements. Most of the discrepancies were between adjacent stages. At ti
mes in the presence of strongly fluctuating EEG amplitudes and especia
lly with the ''low-alpha'' subjects it was very difficult to determine
exactly even by visual scoring when, for instance, drowsiness became
sleep. It is concluded that the reliability of the system is sufficien
t for practical purposes especially if critical parts of the records a
re visually reexamined. It was found to be difficult to define unambig
uous scoring criteria for subjects with poorly defined EEG rhythms giv
ing insufficient landmarks for stage determination.