During a 21-year period (1970-1991), 7 patients with primary retroperi
toneal liposarcomas were treated surgically in our department. All the
tumours were excised completely, and in 2 patients an additional neph
rectomy was performed. Postoperatively 4 patients had adjuvant radioth
erapy. Two other patients received adjuvant chemotherapy. Both of them
had to be reoperated, because of a local recurrence 12 and 9 months a
fter their first operation. There was one death on the first postopera
tive day, and 4 patients died 1 1/2-2 years after the initial operatio
n. Two patients are still alive 34 and 22 months after their first ope
ration with recurrent disease. Adjuvant therapy proved to be ineffecti
ve on the survival of our patients. The prognosis of retroperitoneal l
iposarcomas continues to be poor and the primary treatment has to be a
ggressive with complete resection of the tumor.