This study compared the sealing of Caviton, Cavit, and IRM at two powd
er to liquid ratios of 6 g/ml and 2 g/ml. Standard endodontic access p
reparations were made in 140 noncarious, nonrestored crowns of extract
ed human molars. They were divided into six groups, including positive
and negative controls. Microleakage assessment was evaluated by basic
fuchsin dye penetration after thermal cycling (5 to 55-degrees-C for
100 cycles). The results indicated that Caviton provided the best seal
, followed by Cavit. Cavit demonstrated better sealing than IRM at the
powder to liquid ratio of 6 g/ml and 2 g/ml. There was a statisticall
y significant difference in leakage between the Cavit group and IRM (p
owder to liquid = 6 g/ml), between the Cavit group and IRM (powder to
liquid = 2 g/ml) group (p < 0.05). However, no statistically significa
nt difference between the two different powder to liquid ratio groups
of IRM was disclosed.