The 1s to pi resonant excitation oscillator strengths and energies of
the inner and outer N atomic sites of NiN2 have been calculated by th
e 2h2p/2h2p CI scheme, using the core excited state SCF relaxed orbita
ls. A comparison is made with previous theoretical results obtained by
using the same CI scheme but with the neutral ground state orbitals o
r the core ionized state SCF relaxed orbitals. The oscillator strength
ratio for the inner and outer N atoms is reversed in comparison to pr
evious results. The strength reflects the empty N 2p occupation of the
pi orbital at the excitation atomic site in the ground state. Use of
the core ionized state relaxed orbitals fails because of the larger c
ore relaxation in comparison to the core excited state. The influence
of the core relaxation in the resonantly excited state on the spectral
features of the DES spectra with variations of adsorbate/substrate sy
stems is also discussed.