Microtubules exhibit dynamic instability, switching between persistent
states of growth and shortening at their ends. The switch between gro
wth and shortening has been proposed to depend on end conformation whe
re growing ends have ''straight'' tubulin protofilaments stabilized by
a terminal cap of GTP-tubulin, while shortening ends have lost their
GTP-tubulin cap, allowing terminal GDP-tubulin dimers to curve inside-
out and peel rapidly away from the microtubule lattice. This ''conform
ational cap'' model predicts that tubulin dissociation from shortening
ends is a two-step process where the average lengths of curved GDP-tu
bulin protofilaments at a depolymerizing end will depend on the ratio
of the rate of peeling to the rate of breakage of the longitudinal bon
ds between adjacent curved dimers. We have tested this model for the p
lus and minus ends of microtubules assembled with pure porcine tubulin
off the ends of axoneme fragments in standard assembly buffer. Indivi
dual microtubule ends were imaged using video-enhanced differential in
terference contrast light microscopy. The rate of rapid shortening was
systematically increased by isothermal dilution into assembly buffer
containing various concentrations of Mg2+ or Ca2+ ions. At 1 mM Mg2+ a
nd no Ca2+, shortening occurred at 20 (plus) and 45 (minus) mu m/min.
The ends appeared similar in contrast to growing ends and the core of
the microtubule and the ends appeared blunt or slightly frayed by nega
tive stain electron microscopy. Above 20 mM Mg2+ or above 5 mM Ca2+, m
icrotubule shortening occurred at 60 (plus) and 115 (minus) mu m/min o
r faster and ''knobs'' were distinctly visible at depolymerizing ends,
particularly at the faster minus ends, and knob contrast remained con
stant during many micrometers of rapid shortening. Negative stain elec
tron microscopy revealed that these knobs were ''blossoms'' of inside-
out curved protofilaments, some extending for several helical turns (3
0 to 60 dimers in length) at constant curvature from the ends. At thes
e high shortening velocities, the peeling of curved protofilaments was
confined to within several dimers of the end of the microtubule cylin
der, suggesting that dimer curling and protofilament peeling is constr
ained to the tip by interactions between adjacent straight protofilame
nts. Depolymerization is produced by conformational changes in GDP-tub
ulin since microtubules assembled with a slowly hydrolizable analog of
GTP, GMPCPP, are stable even at 20 mM Mg2+ or 5 mM Ca2+. Monte Carlo
simulations show that the ratio of the peeling to breakage rate consta
nts can control the steady-state average length of curved GDP-tubulin
protofilaments at the depolymerizing end. (C) 1997 Academic Press.