Despite the development of successful strategies for averting hyperacu
te rejection (HAR) in both small and large animal xenograft models, a
delayed xenograft rejection (DXR) ultimately occurs. This process is c
haracterized by endothelial cell activation and graft infiltration wit
h activated monocytes and natural killer (NK) cells. We evaluated the
role of monocytes and macrophages in a guinea pig-to-rat model of DXR.
Our results suggest that specific interactions between these cells an
d the xenograft occur that result in their activation, since adoptive
transfer of xenoactivated splenocytes significantly accelerated both D
XR and allograft rejection, while adoptive transfer of alloactivated s
plenocytes did not. Furthermore, while normal splenocytes caused antib
ody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) of xenogeneic endothel
ial cells, xenoactivated splenocytes caused significantly greater endo
thelial cytotoxicity by antibody-independent mechanisms. Both normal a
nd xenoactivated splenocytes were significantly less cytotoxic if adhe
rent cells, consisting predominantly of monocytes and macrophages, wer
e first removed. In vivo recipient macrophage depletion, using liposom
e-encapsulated dichloromethylene diphosphonate, did not influence DXR
and this may indicate that nonphagocytic circulating monocytes may be
more important in DXR. However, adoptive transfer of splenocytes from
a macrophage depleted, xenoactivated donor did not accelerate xenograf
t rejection, while splenocytes from a nondepleted xenoactivated donor
did, thereby supporting the importance of monocytes and macrophages in
this phase of xenograft rejection.